Counter Current Swimming Machine


Countercurrent systems from SWIMSTREAM®

SWIMSTREAM® countercurrent swimming devices make the water flow like a river. This allows swimming in a small swimming pool. A countercurrent (private) pool offers much more than just 'bathing'. You can actually swim! For fun, for health, for rehabilitation and for (top) sports.



25 years of experience, development and refinement have ensured that SWIMSTREAM swim machines excel with particularly good water flow. With ingenious inner workings and large outlet nozzles, all standard models move an unprecedented amount of water: more than 1.2 MILLION liters of water (1,200 m3) per hour!

Because the flow rate is controlled from the pool, one can also swim(/play/exercise) in a slow stream of a large amount of water. Swimstream generates a wide, even flow of water. WITHOUT annoying swirls and harsh jets. Perfect for exercise and fun, as well as serious endurance and sprint training.

Aesthetically pleasing

High-quality technology can go hand in hand with attractive aesthetics. Like you, we value the attractive appearance of a swimming pool. We have built-in and surface-mounted models. In addition, the swimming machines are available in four colors (white, light gray, dark gray & black). Built-in models can also be finished with stainless steel.

Standard designs, custom made in the Netherlands

We make all our swimming machines to custom, so that it fits perfectly and the water outflow and water inflow at the right height and location. We work with three standard designs: 48V (even for existing pools!), 48V-B and C-Model.

Swimstream 48V: Swimming machine for existing pools Swimstream 48V-B: Built-in swimming machine for concrete pools, among others. Swimstream C-Model: Built-in swimming machine for various pools.
Swimstream Double 48V: very wide swimming machine powered by two underwater motors

In addition, we have created numerous diverse unique projects, including a bench model with two swimming machines, a 48V-B with very wide discharge nozzle and two (!) submersible motors, and several unique designs for yacht building.

Try it yourself!

We can tell you a lot of things, of course. Come and try swimming with us without any obligation! Please make an appointment, also in the evening or on weekends.

Contact us

Demonstration videos

1+ MILLION liters of water per hour!

Swimstream generates a laminar water flow of over 1,200m3 per hour!

That's 15x more than a jet stream system and significantly more than turbine systems.

Superior water flow

Thanks to a sophisticated interior and large outlet nozzles, you will float on a shallow ('laminar'), wide and deep waterflow.

Without annoying swirls and noisy nozzles.

Nozzles and turbines create a waterjet - tending to turbulence - through an outlet of only 5-15cm.

Adjustable speed

The speed of the swim current is adjustable from the pool. From a rippling brook to a strong flowing river!

You can also swim against a slow stream with a large volume of water.

Perfect for exercise and fun, but also for serious endurance and sprint training.

Swimstream is suitable for salt water